
Meet AeroBud - The Best Bud of Base

Our goal is to be the most transparent philanthropic meme coin! We’re building a community that shares their love for pets on the Base ecosystem and providing donations to animal shelters! Please read our Documentation if you want to learn more about the project!

Contract Address:


Meet Sage, the inspiration behind Aerobud. Sage was a rescue that found a loving home, which is why finding homes for pets is so near and dear to us! The charity wallet will be used to make bi-weekly contributions towards non-profit events and animal shelters. All transactions are public, and receipts are provided in our Documentation and Socials. If you would like to donate further, the donation wallet is below. All contributions will be used for non-profit events and given to animal shelters.

This wallet is an Ethereum address that requires 3/5 stakeholder approval to move assets. Please only send Base assets, such as ETH, USDC, AeroBud, or other Base tokens.

Donation Wallet Address:

Partners and Collaborations:

Base Chain

AeroBud Tokenomics

Locked Liquidity

Renounced Contract


Tax 0/0%

Supply 1,000,000,000


AeroBud is a memecoin created for entertainment purposes.

AeroBud © 2024 | All Rights Reserved